You never know who is watching

„You never know when or where that next great break or opportunity might come. That’s why consistently keeping a winner’s attitude, a positive energy and an optimistic mindset is the best thing you can do in life.“ (Allistair McCaw Page, „Winning Attitude & Mindset“)

I very much subscribe to the approach to learn from sports for life and business (and vice versa). Allistair McCaw (@bechampionminded) of course is a huge inspiration. His podcasts and books are highly recommended. So is his latest book „Winning Attitude & Mindset“. One chapter „You never know who is watching“ strongly resonates with me and without any doubt applies to my lifeline. From my experience, a carreer is never linear (even if sometimes it appears to be). So focussing your energy only in occasions you think it suppports your goal will make you miss so many opportunities. You never know if you are just meeting your next employer, your next customer, a mentor, a supporter, your future lover or future best friend. Or someone who knows such and is just waiting to introduce you to your next employer, next customer, mentor, supporter, future lover or future best friend. And this might not need to be the obvious gatekeepers, it might as well be the cleaner, the assistant, the garbage man or the homeless you are passing by. So one more reason the be the best self anytime, because you never know who is watching. 

#beyourbestself #championminded #increaselikelihood #increasechances #createopportunities #butterflyeffect #flapofabutterflyswing #youneverknow #allistairmccaw #developingawinningattitudeandmindset #primality #coaching #decisionmaking #personaldevelopment #nlp #mentoring #mentaltraining #agility #motivation #negotiations #resilience #sports #tennisforlife #musicforlife

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